Jouvence, Yaoundé. +237 6 99 31 60 61

Information portal on the "One Health" concept in Cameroon

The information portal centralizes all information on the "One Health" concept in Cameroon.



One Health Knowledge Sharing Initiative

The virtual library centralizes all documentation and training tools on the "One Health" concept, with an emphasis on Africa.



Mapping of Animal Health data in Africa

The web platform geolocates animal health events in Africa. Created by the ESPV association and the portal for veterinary medicine in Africa (AfricaVET).




A population and companies that promise

approach One Health

for the well-being of people, animals and the environment

There are over 200 known types of zoonosis

A zoonosis is a disease or infection naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans.

60 %

Infectious diseases

75 %

Newly emerging diseases

journée internationale des zoonoses - 6 juillet

Sensibiliser la population

à ces agents pathogènes qui peuvent être transmis de l’animal à l’homme et inversement

One Health - Petition

Organization of an online petition for the fight against rabies.

Student coaching

Contributes to the supervision of several thesis and dissertation students

Expertise available

Expertise available to countries and organizations


Projects to protect people, animals and the environment


Working to eliminate human deaths

from dog rabies by 2030

The disease rabies is caused by a group of viruses, but the Rabies Lyssavirus (RABV) is the most important one in terms of public health, as almost all human and dog rabies cases are caused by this particular virus.

Dog vaccination

Taking care of bitten people

Disease surveillance

Advocacy and awareness-raising based on the "One Health" approach


Academic training courses,

theses and Masters.

Training, support, coaching, follow-up, capacity building...



Trained stakeholders



Stakeholder awareness


One Health

Summer Institute

2nd Edition, 12 to 15 August, 2024, Bangangte, UdM, West Cameroon


Working across borders to

foster a One Health approach to global health

…The “One Health” approach summarises a concept that has been known for more than a century; that human, animal and plant health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist. We envisage and implement it as a collaborative, whole of society, whole of government approach to understanding, anticipating and addressing risks to global health…


A zoonosis is an infectious disease that has passed from animals to humans and vice versa.


Antibiotic resistance occurs when an antibiotic no longer kills certain bacteria or inhibits their growth.

Food Safety

Unfit food poses a threat to global health