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  • At the annual RESCAM meeting, ESPV contributes to strengthening animal disease surveillance in Cameroon.

At the annual RESCAM meeting, ESPV contributes to strengthening animal disease surveillance in Cameroon.

Date: May 15, 2024

Douala – From May 13 to 15, 2024, the Annual Coordination Meeting of the Réseau d’épidémio-surveillance des maladies animales du Cameroun (RESCAM) was held in Douala. The Epidemiology – Public Health – Veterinary Association (ESPV) took part in this national event at the invitation of the Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA). The main objective of the meeting was to enrich and validate the annual animal disease surveillance report for 2023, and to define the priorities for surveillance in 2024.

The specific objectives of the meeting were to assess the level of implementation of the recommendations from the previous year’s RESCAM coordination meeting; to present, review, enrich and validate the annual animal disease surveillance report for the year 2023; and to evaluate existing animal health surveillance tools such as plans, methods, case definitions, active surveillance, community-based surveillance and laboratory tools.

In addition, participants had the opportunity to present and analyze RESCAM performance indicators and validate the case definition manual for priority diseases. The use of the CAHIS web application to collect rabies surveillance and vaccination data in the RACE pilot zones was also evaluated.

ESPV’s participation in this meeting demonstrates its commitment to animal health and food safety in Cameroon. Indeed, the ESPV shared its expertise in epidemiology, public health and veterinary medicine, and the exchanges made it possible to assess the progress made in implementing previous recommendations, identify gaps and define objectives for the coming year.

Working closely with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry and other RESCAM stakeholders, ESPV is helping to strengthen multi-sectoral epidemiological surveillance capacity and improve animal disease management in the country.

Improving animal disease surveillance is critical for public health, food safety and food security. By identifying priority areas for intervention, RESCAM will be able to focus its efforts on key areas to effectively prevent, detect and control animal diseases. This will help to protect animal health and prevent the spread of disease to humans, thereby strengthening public health as a whole.

The annual RESCAM meeting provides an essential platform for the exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices between the various actors involved in animal disease surveillance. By working together, they can coordinate their efforts and strengthen collaboration to address complex animal health challenges.

The ESPV will continue to play a key role in improving the epidemiological surveillance of animal diseases in Cameroon. In collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry and other partners, it will contribute to the implementation of the recommendations of the RESCAM annual meeting and to the achievement of the goals set for improved surveillance in 2024.

ESPV’s active participation in this meeting demonstrates its commitment to animal health and the promotion of best practices in veterinary epidemiology and public health. Thanks to these concerted efforts, Cameroon is one step closer to achieving its goals in animal disease surveillance and public health protection.

Source : ESPV, 2024

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